Saying Goodbye to Your Dear Dog is an emotional and personal heartfelt journey and guide. The book includes well thought out practical ideas and advice to share with readers, which are woven in-between the loving stories and experiences imparted by many. The book draws the reader in, as the author relays her extensive experience going through this very personal journey in her family, and all of the lessons learned along the way. A must-read for all past, current and future loving pet parents and families!

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Reader Reviews
Saying Goodbye to Your Dear Dog is an emotional and personal heartfelt journey and guide. The book includes well thought out practical ideas and advice to share with readers, which are woven in-between the loving stories and experiences imparted by many. The book draws the reader in, as the author relays her extensive experience going … Read more
Saying Goodbye to Your Dear Dog is not just filled with useful answers to many questions, it’s a wonderful illustrated guide for all dog owners.
It’s so hard to euthanize a pet, both for pet parent and for the vet, but it is an act of love. I’ve gone through it twice – for Radar and for Muffin. I wish I had had this guide to help me clarify that the time was coming. This book is a compassionate guide … Read more